Hi Christine,
When I was growing up parents would frown on kids who loved computer games too. Well, for most parts it was just distraction from homework and adding to the thickness of their spectacles. But for some, like one of my classmates, he went on to create Razer, one of the biggest names in eSports today.
I don’t think gaming will go away. It will evolve just as it always had throughout human history. Wasn’t playing the highlight of the day too when you were a kid? Just in different forms?
Competitive gaming is becoming a more financially rewarding endeavour than physical sports these days. It will only grow. Geeks already rule the world.
The problem isn’t with spending time on games I think. It’s what it leads to – simply wasting time or inspiration for future positive endeavours that matters. I think that has to do in part too, with what adult supervision and companionship inspires them towards. Seeing the game changer in games, and not just the game itself.